A couple of years ago a customer brought in a beautiful Gibson J45 that had been sent away to be serviced by somewhere that shall remain nameless, but came back with white hand prints all over it. Its a strange thing that some people seem to react to nitro-cellulose finishes (its not just Gibsons, Fender custom shop or Martins also have the same issues sometimes) but apparently there's a rare blood type that doesn't mix well with it. I'd never seen a case quite this bad before, so I looked for some polish that would help. Everything that was available in the UK didnt do the trick, so I asked a couple of US guitar repairers who both suggested Virtuoso. Its wasn't available in the UK, so I bought some from the manufacturers and hoped for the best.
I tested it on my own Gibson and then gently applied some to the J45. The results were incredible, it took all the hand prints out, cured the slightly tacky / gummy feel to the finish and restored it to a factory shine - hallelujah!
I've been using it exclusively on nitro finishes since then with consistent results, this stuff is the best nitro guitar polish I've ever used - amazing!
I've recommended it to so many people but most cant be bothered with the US postage, import tax hassle etc, so I've decided to stock it myself. So if you have any of the common problems with nitro cellulose finishes grab yourself a bottle of the cleaner and the polish and use the closest thing to a miracle cure I've ever seen!
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